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Communicating with the School

Gearies Primary school

Communication between school and home

The school recognises that in order to support each child to achieve his/her potential, the link between home and school is vital.  We take care to communicate using a number of methods.  We encourage each parent to be responsible for accessing the information offered in the following sources:

1.      School information and policies are published on our school website:     

2.      We send out most weekly news on our School Blog:  Posts are made at least once a week. 

3.      Urgent news is sent as a text on School Ping,  which is an app that you can download onto your phone to receive messages.  

4.      Each year group has its own unique Blog, details of login and password are available from the class teacher.  Most homework messages are posted here.

5.      There is a link to all of the above electronic communication services on our School Website Home Page.

6.      A poster of the key week’s events is displayed in the notice boards in each playground on Friday afternoons.

7.      The school newsletter is published on the School Blog, the school website and on all of our parent noticeboards.  Paper copies are available in our school reception area.  

8.      Class teachers are happy to answer short queries before and after school.  For more detailed questions, you are advised to make an appointment for a mutually convenient time.  Please be aware each year group has a planning meeting after school on Mondays and Tuesdays and we deliver whole school training meetings after school on Wednesdays.  

9.      Members of the SLT are available to answer queries after school.  The Head Teacher and two Deputy Heads are usually available on the school gates before school.  Please ask at the school office for availability.

10.    On occasions, we send out paper reminders of key events with the children.  Please check your child’s book bag for these.  All major events are detailed on School Blog and on our notice boards.

11.    On occasions we place posters on the school windows and doors, to back up messages sent out in the other methods.  Class doors may only contain reminders that are class specific.  

12.    In cases of emergency, the school office will send a text to parents on recorded mobile phone numbers.  Please ensure the office is kept up to date with your preferred mobile number.  Please note, we only send texts in cases of emergencies.  

13.    You can contact the school by e-mail: .  Please note, all messages are answered by the school office.  

If you need technical assistance in downloading the website, blogs or School Ping, or allocated usernames and passwords, please ask at the school office.  

