Online-Safety Policy
1. Introduction
This policy was written and reviewed in reference to the latest advice and guidance from the DfE, Ofsted and numerous specialist associations including CEOP. Staff, governors, parents and children have been consulted on the contents.
2. Our whole school approaches
All members of the school community have access to this policy. In order to access ICT services within the school, children, parents and members of staff must agree to uphold our “Acceptable use policy”. Members of staff are required to sign this during their induction process. Parents sign the “Home-School Agreement” on admission to the school.
Online-safety is a priority issue for the school.
All members of staff are aware of and able to recognise online-safety issues.
Children are involved in developing awareness campaigns for the wider school community all through the year.
3. Reporting routines
Members of staff will work closely with our wider community in developing our practice.
Our online reporting process is easy to understand and is understood by our community.
Our reporting process:
- The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure online-Safety. However, owing to the international scale and linked nature of Internet content, the availability of mobile technologies and speed of change, it is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable material will never appear on a school computer or mobile device. Neither the school nor the Local Authority can accept liability for material accessed, or any consequences of Internet access.
- Staff and pupils are given information about infringements in use and possible sanctions. Sanctions available include:
- informing parents or carers;
- interview/ Head of Year / ICT Instructors / Headteacher;
- removal of Internet or computer access for a period, [which could ultimately prevent access to files held on the system, including examination coursework];
- referral to LA / Police/ICT Instructor.
- Our ICT Instructors acts as first point of contact for any complaint. Any complaint about staff misuse is referred to the Headteacher.
- Complaints of cyberbullying are dealt with in accordance with our Anti-Bullying Policy. Complaints related to child protection are dealt with in accordance with school / LA child protection procedures.
4. Incident management
In this school:
- there is a strict monitoring and application of the online-safety policy and a differentiated and appropriate range of sanctions. We do note though that the attitudes and behaviour of users are generally positive and there is rarely a need to apply sanctions.
- all members and its wider community are encouraged to be vigilant in reporting issues, in the confidence that issues will be dealt with quickly and sensitively, through the school’s processes documented above.
- support is actively sought from other agencies as needed (eg the local authority and regional broadband grid, UK Safer Internet Centre helpline) in dealing with e-safety issues
- monitoring and reporting of e safety incidents takes place and contribute to developments in policy and practice in online safety within the school. The records are reviewed/audited and reported to the school’s senior leaders, Governors /the LA / LSCB
- parents / carers are specifically informed of online-safety incidents involving young people for whom they are responsible.
- We will contact the Police if one of our staff or pupils receives online communication that we consider is particularly disturbing or breaks the law
5. Training
All members of staff with access to electronic data and systems will be invited to attend online-safety training at least once annually.
At least one member of staff will have attended an accredited training session to support best practice, at least one every 3 years.
6. Education
Children and members of staff will all take part in online-safety education events each year. These will be updated routinely throughout the year and will be delivered by relevant members of staff with connected responsibility. Online-safety is not the sole responsibility of any one member of staff, all members share this. They will promote the means by which to stay safe online, and how to protect oneself and others when online.
Children will be informed on how to report problems either using on-line reporting systems, reporting to parents or a member of staff.
7. Infrastructure
Our internet access is via a recognised internet service provider and will be filtered by an appropriately secure firewall.
8. Monitoring and Evaluating
We will regularly monitor our ISP and act on all information provided. We will assess all identified and anticipated risks and follow advice accordingly.
9. Data Management
All personal data will be managed securely in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.
School data is stored securely in school; hard copy data is kept in locked units, electronic data is stored in electronic databases that are password protected.
All passwords to secure systems will be individual: no generic passwords will be used.
10. Review
This policy was reviewed in 2021. It will be reviewed each year.
Advice on how to keep children safe when online
Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online. Advice on how to be aware of potential risk to your child - how to approach conversations with your child. Guides on how to set parent controls on many devices.
Digital magazine published every month with regularly updated articles and parent advice.
Resources include help and advice through fairy tale books
Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online.
Detailed advice on how to approach and support your child understand and deal with sexting, inappropriate or explicit content, online porn.