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Aims and Values

Vision statement

The school’s primary purpose is the meet the educational needs of the children who attend it. These are many and varied.

It is important to me that Gearies remains an inclusive school, welcoming all children through our doors, no matter the background.

Our teaching is informed by relevant research, for which we have an international reputation.

The major outcomes for the school remain:

  1. To be an inclusive school
  2. To be a safe and secure place for all children to thrive in
  3. To remain a school where every child is challenged to do their best
  4. To support vulnerable parents
  5. To teach a broad and balanced curriculum for all children
  6. To ensure that children’s attainment remains higher than both local and national averages, in all subjects
  7. To maintain high staff morale
  8. To support the careers of our staff
  9. To stay true to our agreed strategic priorities
  10. To contribute purposefully to local school improvement

Our challenge ahead as a learning community is to work together, to use our combined knowledge, skills and understanding to work with our professional partners, the local community, including parents and carers, to continue to raise standards.

The children at Gearies are a credit to the community and are dear to us all. We invest in their futures and relish the opportunity to serve a just society.


Mr R Drew, OBE

Head Teacher

September 2018
