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Admissions and Transfers



Parents should register their child for the Nursery at the school office on the pre-admission list, by their third birthday.  Shortly before the child’s admission to school, parents will be invited to attend a short meeting in school, introducing the school and its procedures. 


Children’s admissions to Reception, Key Stage One and Two are made in line with Borough policy, by applying to the Education Department.  A copy of the Redbridge Handbook “Your child’s admission to Primary School” is available on request.  Parents wishing to visit the school should make an appointment.


Admissions to the Nursery and Reception classes take place each September. 

Priority in the Nursery is given to the following schedule:

·       “looked after children”

·       siblings priority given by date of birth

·       non-siblings priority given by date of birth


If two children have the same date of birth, priority will be given to the child who lives nearest to the school.


The school follows the Redbridge policy on admissions to a Nursery class.  More details can be found on the Redbridgei website.


If two children have the same date of birth, priority will be given to the child who lives nearest to the school.


Applications for a place in the Reception Year Group need to be submitted to the local authority by 15th January.  Details can be found on Redbridge i:

Applications for a place in a Secondary school need to be submitted to the local authority by 31st October.   Details can be found on Redbridge i:

Please read the information given below which gives details of our admission arrangements for the school.

Parents must come into the school office to complete admission papers in person , to support the schools safeguarding procedures .This cannot be done remotely to eliminate the risk of fraud.
