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Our Curriculum


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Gearies Primary school

The Gearies Curriculum


At Gearies Primary school, we pride ourselves on providing meaningful learning experiences so that children feel successful, independent and motivated, ready to face challenges throughout their educational journey.  Our curriculum supports enthusiasm for learning and excitement for creation and enquiry.  We have created a broad and balanced curriculum, which enriches and challenges young minds. 

Our pedagogy is linked to our “Simple View of Learning”.  The curriculum is designed to meet the children’s needs, taking into account their starting points.  The children engage in challenging and collaborative learning, which encourages creativity and the development of enquiry skills.  This supports our key line of enquiry of challenging all children, from those with additional needs to those of higher ability.

Our child-friendly school offers an environment that is physically safe, emotionally secure and psychologically enabling.  It recognises, encourages and supports children’s growing capacities as learners by providing a culture that is focussed on learning and the learner.

Teachers have a genuine enthusiasm for learning.  Each learning experience is planned with consideration of our children’s cultural backgrounds, personal sense of identity, and their place in our British culture.  Rights and responsibilities underpin our curriculum and we work hard to ensure that we embed this in our learning. 

The planning of lessons allows children to have ownership of their learning.  We aim to give children the opportunity to access the curriculum in a way that enthrals them and develops their passion for learning.

We encourage children to challenge themselves, take risks with their learning and build resilience and independence.  We help them to develop their social skills with a deepening understanding of the wider world that they live in.


Appendices – Subject curriculum statements:
